Disease cured by Gynecologist

A gynecologist is a doctor who specialized in female reproductive health. They diagnose and treat the issue related to female health problems.

Menstrual Disorders/Abnormal Periods:

A menstrual Disorders/Abnormal period is a problem related to the woman’s normal menstrual cycle. It is one of the most common in problems for women.

Menstrual disorders disturb women’s daily life and lead them to several other problems which include: bloating irritability, backaches, headaches, over-bleeding, and others.

Menstrual disease causes due to a variety of factors
• Uterine Fibroids

Hormonal Imbalances
• Clotting Disorders
• Sexually Transmitted Disease (SDI’s)
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
• Genetics
• Birth Control Pills

Symptoms of Menstrual Disorder:

• Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding
• Depression
• Headache
• Pain or Cramping
• Emotional Distress
• Anxiety
• Breast Soreness

Diagnosed of Menstrual Disorder: It is diagnosed through:

• Blood Test
• Hormonal test
• Ultrasound
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• Laparoscopy
• Dilation and Curettage

How do Menstrual Disorders get treated?

Dietary Changes: For instance reducing sugar, salt, sugar, caffeine before the periods.
Medical Treatment: Using pain relievers and contraceptives.
Surgical Treatment: Sometimes surgery can be performed through laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and traditional abdominal techniques.


Fibroids are abnormal growth that develops in the uterus of the woman. In some cases, these it becomes quite large and leads to severe abdominal pain and heavy periods.
Sometimes there is no sign or symptoms at all. It has some other names which are leiomyomas, myomas, uterine myomas, and fibromas.


It is quite unknown that why fibroids develop. However, there are several factors for the formation of Fibroids:
Hormones: It may cause the hormonal problems
Hereditary: If your mother, sister, grandmother has this condition, it may developed in you as well.
Pregnancy: During the pregnancy, you may have the chance of increasing of estrogen and progesterone in your body. It may grow rapidly when you are pregnant.

Signs and Symptoms of Fibroids:

The sign and symptoms of Fibroids are:
• Heavy bleeding during the time of periods
• Increased urination
• Pain during intercourse
• Pain in the pelvis or lower back
• Menstruations longer than usual
• Swelling
• Constipation
• Frequent Urination

Treatment and Medication:

Your gynecologist will develop a treatment plan depending on the age, conditions and size of your fibroids. You may combinations of treatments.
• Acupuncture
• Yoga
• Massage
• Dietary Change
• Avoid High Calories foods
• Eating green vegetables, green tea, fish, tuna, salmon
• Regular Exercise
• Manage your stress level
• Medications or Injectable drug

Cervical Cancer:

Cervical cancer is a type o cancer that took place in cells of cervix – the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina.
Once cervical cancer leads to the death of many American women but now if it is diagnosed in an early stage then it is often curable.

Cervical cancer causes and risk factors include:
• Infection of Human papillomavirus (HPV)
• Having multiple partners
• Long term using of birth control pills.

Signs and Symptoms:
• Blood spots or light bleeding between following the periods.
• Menstrual bleeding is longer and heavier than usual
• Pain during Intercourse
• Back pain


The cervical cancer has 4 stages. The treatment of cervical cancer is curable if you contact your gynecologist early. The four main treatments are:
• Surgery
• Radiation therapy
• Chemotherapy
• Targeted therapy

Ovarian Hypofunction:

Ovarian hypo-function is the reduced function of ovaries causing a decreasing production of hormones. Women with ovarian hypo-function may have the experience of menopause and it occurs problem for woman to get pregnant.


Ovarian hypo-function may be caused by genetic factors. Furthermore, it also may be caused by certain autoimmune disorders, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy

Signs & Symptoms

• Problem in periods
• Difficulty in getting pregnant
• Hot flashes
• Vaginal Dryness
• Dry eyes
• Irritability
• Less Sexual Desire
Treatment and when to consult the doctor?

• When you have no longer menstrual periods
• If the symptoms of premature menopause
• If difficulty in getting pregnant

• Regular Exercise
• Healthy Diets
• Daily medicine advised by the doctor

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