Wide range of facilities and medical services

Internal Medicine is not specializing in particular areas like Pedia, Neurology, Cardiology, Gynecology, or others.

A Physician provides you proper care of almost every disease. For instance, immunizations and physical examination and treats several diseases by seeing the patient’s condition.

At Kavya, we have renowned Physicians from around Nepal. We have modern medical technology that allows the early detection of diseases.Our doctor & experts care about your difficult, problematic and unusual medical situation and continue to provide you medical service until your health issue is resolved or stabilized.

Standards of Treatment

We provide standard treatment and latest medical technology with best facility in our hospital.

Supportive Staff

We have the Supportive Staff for the betterment of patients.

Infection Prevention

We provide infection prevention and latest medical technology with best facility in our hospital.

Better Care Better Understanding

We better care and properly understand the patients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Does Internal Medicine Check?

Internal Medicine Physicians are specialist who see the patients with conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and chronic lung disease

Will a Doctor of Internal Medicine Perform Surgery?

No they do not perform any Surgery. They serves as a primary care doctor of each disease.

What is the different between Internal Medicine  and General Medicine?

They both are the same thing

What are the Sub-Specialties under Internal Medicine?

 The Sub-Specialties of Internal Medicine are  Adolescent Medicine (care of adolescents and young adults) … Critical Care Medicine (care of patients in intensive care settings) Geriatric Medicine (care of older patients) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (care of patients with serious illness) 

From which age group does Internal Medicine Doctor cover up?
Above 14 years does Internal Medicine Doctor Cover Up.