Wide range of facilities and medical services

An Obstetrician-Gynecologist or OB-GYN health care professionals are mainly involved in female reproductive health. We have a strong team of OB-GYN who take care of women’s reproductive’s and fertility issueOur OB-GYN is highly trained and well-experienced.

We are not only involves in patient care. We involves in health counseling as well.When the woman is all set to deliver the baby, our committed labor room facilitates painless labor so that a newly born baby is born without any complications.

Standards of Treatment

We provide standard treatment and latest medical technology with best facility in our hospital.

Supportive Staff

We have supportive staff for the betterment of patients.

Infection Prevention

We provide infection prevention and latest medical technology with best facility in our hospital.

Better Care Better Understanding

We better care and properly understand the patients.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What is OBS & Gynecology Department? 

Obstetrics and gynecology is concerned with the care of pregnant woman, her unborn child and the management of diseases specific to women.

What is the difference between obstetrics and Gynecology?

Obstetrics is a medical specialty dealing with the fields of birth and related issues and Gynecology deals with diseases particular to women.

What is the Specialization of Gynecologist?

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in women’s reproductive health

Do gynecologist involves in the surgery?

Yes, they perform surgery and manage labor & delivery

Do gynecologists removes cysts?

Yes they remove cysts.